Create a Metering Record (legacy)

Before you get started

You'll need to make sure you have the correct listing type and usage-based SKUs configured, as well as having your Access Token

Send a Metering Record


If you need to send metering records to AWS, you'll need to send a POST request to with the right authorization header and a body similar to the following example:

     "cloud": "aws",
     "customerid": "ij3sXMkN3or",
     "productid": "1test1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9ijk",
     "records": [
               "CustomerIdentifier": "ij3sXMkN3or",
               "ProductIdentifier": "1test1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9ijk",
               "Dimension": "example_dimension_name",
               "Timestamp": "2019-07-15T15:00:00.000000+00:00",
               "Quantity": 1

Ready to see the code in action? Check out our Create a metering record (AWS) recipe!

Azure & GCP

If you need to send metering records to Azure or GCP, you'll need to send a POST request to with the right authorization header and a body similar to the following example:

     "cloud": "azure",
     "customerid": "1b3gs3f4-2794-abcd-3fa3-063ga0s3t3re",
     "productid": "tackle-azure-platform",
     "records": [
               "customerid": "1b3gs3f4-2794-abcd-3fa3-063ga0s3t3re",
               "productid": "tackle-azure-platform",
               "dimension": "usage-per-unit",
               "quantity": 2
     "cloud": "gcp",
     "customerid": "E-ABC2-D330-E2FG-H2Q2",
     "productid": "tackle-for-gcp",
     "records": [
               "customerid": "E-ABC2-D330-E2FG-H2Q2",
               "productid": "tackle-for-gcp",
               "dimension": "usage-per-unit",
               "quantity": 2

Ready to see the code in action? Check out our Create a metering record (GCP) recipe!

How to confirm metering records?

To confirm the metering record was sent to the Cloud Marketplace, send the same payload until the HTTP 200 response includes the sent_at field with a UTC timestamp string.

You'll be able to find more examples of different possible responses in the AWS or Azure/GCP metering API reference.