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What is the Salesforce Connector for Tackle Offers?

As you scale sales through cloud marketplaces, it is increasingly important to track opportunities, offers, subscriptions, and revenue in a systematic way. Tackle Offers allows you to associate customer details and internal reference information with the marketplace offer for continuity through the subscription lifecycle. However, entering that information into the Tackle platform has been manual and time consuming, until now.

With the Salesforce Connector for Tackle Offers, business processes can be simplified and data can be entered into the Tackle platform automatically from Salesforce. (And with the use of Tackle's Webhooks, offer status and order notifications can be programmatically consumed for use in Salesforce and other systems.)


How does it work?

The Salesforce Connector for Tackle Offers is configured as a Salesforce Connected App. (Learn more about Connected Apps and required Salesforce user permissions.) Your Salesforce admin creates the connected app and defines the permissions, and Tackle needs read access to any data you wish to sync to the offer.

Once the integration is complete, the Tackle team will work with your marketplace sales operations and Salesforce admin to define the data to go into the offers and where to find it within Salesforce.